Friday, April 8, 2011

Anti-abortion, anti-women, anti-children

The budget fight was not about money.  It was about the Republican Party and its view of children as the wages of sin.  Children result from a sinful act, and you women deserve the punishment of children.  If you hadn’t had sex, you wouldn’t have this problem in the first place.  In the meantime, Republicans will deny you prenatal care, medical assistance, food stamps, school lunches, early childhood education--any program that might help children.  But you will not have an abortion.

1 comment:

  1. Today I called my representative, both my Senators, and emailed the White House. This idea of holding the government hostage to defund Planned Parenthood is appalling, and I told them all that. In my email to the President, I asked him to stay strong and not give in to the extreme right-wing of the Republican party and their demands. We all need to stand up and be heard.
