A reader sent along a press release from the group Democracy for America detailing plans by the Pennsylvania House Republicans to require voters to produce an approved picture ID to be able to vote. In 2006 a similar bill was vetoed by Governor Rendell, who called it “a solution in search of a problem.”
I know there are people who say, “Well, what’s so hard about that? Doesn’t everybody have picture ID?”
Actually no. The people least likely to have ID with them--the elderly, racial minorities, people with disabilities--are also the most likely to be voting Democratic.
I observed a Republican poll watcher at the Rod and Gun Club last November. He was not there merely to check off the voters. He was there to intimidate both the poll workers and the voters. This is what a party does when it has a hard time winning on the merits. Instead of real reform--making it easier to vote by absentee, insuring a paper trail for voters--the Republicans are doing their best to decrease turnout.
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