Thursday, April 14, 2011

Christmas trees

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has requested that the nation’s electrical utilities take action to ensure that falling trees would not disrupt power supplies.  Power has been disrupted when ice storms or high winds caused trees to fall on power lines, resulting in outages.
PPL, in a total lack of good sense, decided to cut every tree beneath its lines, including nursery trees, apple trees in orchards, and Christmas trees grown on farms. PPL’s policy was basically to have bare ground beneath the wires.
FERC then told PPL to use a common sense approach, and it has gone to court to stop PPL’s policy.  The Pennsylvania Christmas Tree Growers Association will be meeting with PPL representatives in Harrisburg later this month to work out a more reasonable policy, asking that any tree up to 15 feet in height be allowed to stand.  With pressure from above and below, there is a good chance that PPL will be reasonable.
The odd thing is that PPL would even adopt such a bizarre policy.  What kind of people run that company?

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