Saturday, April 16, 2011

Who Funds These People?

I put an ad in the Times News on Friday calling attention to an organizing meeting for a Carbon County labor council to be held on Monday night at the Amvets in Lansford.  The ad was two by two and a half inches, black and white.  It cost me 68 bucks.
The 9/12 group. a Glenn Beck-inspired Tea Bagger organization, is sponsoring a candidates’ forum at Penn’s Peak on Monday night.  They have run two quarter-page color ads in the Times News and they rented Penn’s Peak.
I’m a member of a number of local political organizations, and I can tell you that our spaghetti dinners and dues would not pay for that kind of activity.  This brings up a question--who is funding the 9/12 group?  The Koch Brothers?  Some pro-fracking drillers?  Rupert Murdoch?
The Tea Baggers try to give the impression that they are “just folks.”  Maybe they are, but they are also shills for the rich and powerful.  I’d just like to know which rich and powerful donors are funding this particular group.  Open the books.  Let’s see. 

1 comment:

  1. I think we have the local version of the Koch Brothers right here in Carbon County. They own Penn's Peak and the local media. I'm wondering if the 9/12 group gets charged anything at all. Just a thought.
