Ok, I’m continuing “Ag Week” one more day. My friend Kim forwarded me an article about states banning hidden cameras on farms. Nebraska, Indiana, Arkansas, Pennsylvania (of course), Tennessee and California have all had bills introduced to make it illegal to take pictures of farm operations without the consent of the owner.
Agribusiness is worried that animal rights activists will expose cruelty on factory farms. Instead of addressing the cruelty issue, state legislators are going after the people who expose the cruelty.
To read the whole article go to <http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/states-move-ban-hidden-cameras-farms/story?id=18738108>.
By the way, if you would like to videotape my chickens, you are welcome to do so at any time. You have my permission.
Maybe a video should be done so people could see how a family farm is better than corporate farms. I know that some of my ancestors had family farms and they never treated the animals poorly. Corporate farms are only about money and nothing else.