Thursday, March 7, 2013

Genocide in Arkansas

The Arkansas legislature passed a bill over the veto of the Democratic governor banning abortion after 12 weeks.  The legislation was called the “Human Heartbeat Protection Act.”  Ultrasound can pick up a heartbeat after about 12 weeks of pregnancy.

When does human life begin?  I can’t answer that.  Life begins, I suppose, at conception, but when you think human life begins depends on a variety of factors, including religion, medical science, and personal opinion.

What I do know is that the sponsor of the Arkansas legislation, State Senator Jason Rapert, compared the 50 million abortions in the U.S. since Roe v. Wade to the Holocaust and the genocide in Rwanda.  

It is almost beyond belief that someone would compare the genocide in Nazi Germany or the butchery in Rwanda with a woman’s decision to terminate a pregnancy.  I find that personally offensive.  It is a belittling of millions of victims of genocide and it trivializes the very word genocide.

Why should we let politicians in Arkansas decide women’s health issues?  They aren’t doctors, and they surely aren’t God.