Friday, March 1, 2013

Republicans win on sequestration

First, the cutbacks aren't dramatic.  It isn't like the government shut-down engineered by Gingrich during the Clinton administration, so it won't be noticed by many of us.  Secondly, the cutbacks will fall on the people who do not donate to PACs, have little or no political power, and are already near the bottom of the income scale.  People like that can be ignored.

The lines at the airports may get longer, but they are already long; people will shrug, and shuffle along. The hot meals at some schools will end, but it won't affect the wealthy.  Kids won't get vaccinated, but those are poor kids.  People will be laid off, but it won't be the people at the top who are making the decisions about whom to ax.  The economy will stagnate or go downhill this quarter, but it is the President who gets the credit for a bad economy.

Remember, it is the Republicans who want to cut programs and slash spending.  They have no incentive to bargain or compromise.  They can sit back, watch the problems develop, and then blame President Obama.  That's their plan, and I think it will work.


  1. Sad but true. I feel that the administration should make the cuts selectively. Starting with Washington D.C. airports. Shut them down ans all airports within 100 miles. I'm sure congress will love driving to the capital or maybe ride a bus or take a train. Then start making cuts at military bases in republican districts. Maybe then they might start thinking what a stupid thing they have done.

  2. I thought about this as well. Perhaps Obama should have accepted the Sen. Toomey proposal to allow the President to make the cuts. He could have made them in a very nasty way. He's probably too nice a guy to do that.
