Saturday, October 26, 2013

Cutting food stamps: Let them eat cake

I have never felt sorry for Marie Antoinette.  Her attitude toward the starving Parisians was despicable.  Off with her head!

But wait.  I think she is alive and well in the U.S. House of Representatives.  Today Charles M. Blow had a table of “States of Child Poverty” in the Times.  Mississippi, of course, led the pack; 34.69% of its children live in poverty.  All states but one (North Dakota) had more kids living in poverty today than in 2007 before the recession started.  

The response of the U.S. Congress?  The Senate proposes to cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, or as most people know it, the food stamp program) by $4 billion.  

The House proposal would cut SNAP by over $30 billion.  As for the children in poverty, let them eat cake.


  1. Just think, oil companies get 4 billion a year from us taxpayers. Why not use that money for SNAP? The oil companies sure as hell don't need the money. They rake in untold billions in profit every year. Where is the tea partiers outcry on that? Silence!!!! They really aren't about taxes, just hatred.

  2. I had so much to say about this that I put my tablet pc down on got onto my regular laptop.

    First, The most concerning thing about this is that the Senate is Democratic. So the Democrats support the cut by at least $4 BN and probably will have to compromise upward.

    Second, why isn't the major food companies lobbying for more food stamps. This should hit the bottom line for companies like Conagra, Kraft, Sysco, and another food companies.

    Third, my statement always has been "Capitols burn when people starve!" Communion was born out of a protest for more food ration. The French Revolution was also started because of a few consecutive bad harvests which resulted in people starving. The Arab Spring was largely due to an increase in food prices.

    By the way, luxury apartments in NYC and mansions in the Hampton's are selling at all time highs.

    If you have some time, check out this episode on why poverty:

  3. This video should be required viewing for all voters. If your not registered to vote after viewing this video you will vote. Get off your butts, get involved and stop watching phony reality TV or playing video games.

    The 99.9% people need to wake up and see what billionaires money is doing to them and this country. Currently the political system in this country is rigged against them.
