Monday, October 28, 2013

Rich people suck

After my posting on the SNAP cuts two days ago, Jeremy commented on a You Tube video that discussed why we have poverty.  (I think Jeremy spends a lot of time on the Internet.)  Just in case you missed his comment, here is the link:<>.  

I should warn you that it is an hour long.  I should also warn you that it will make you really angry.  One thing it does well is to explain how the Republicans have managed to direct middle class dissatisfaction with our economy downward toward the poor instead of upward where it belongs.  (Watch how clever Eric Cantor is on this.)  

The film also notes that Democrats are little better than Republicans at ending tax breaks for the rich.  But you knew that, didn’t you?

1 comment:

  1. It is great to see that your re-posted the video. It is an eye opener.

    For people who think other people spend too much time on the Net, I disagree. The only way you can spend too much time if your looking up nonsense like celebrity gossip.

    I liked Steve Jobs analogy on computers. Check it out at
