Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Girls go crazy for a sharp-dressed man

We had a rally today demanding that Congressman Barletta vote to end the shutdown.  Barletta actually said he would vote for a clean resolution free of Affordable Care provisions, then flip-flopped and said he wouldn’t.  We had 35 people in front of the Jim Thorpe Courthouse Annex picketing and chanting.  From there we moved to Hazleton to demonstrate in front of Barletta’s district office.

I wore a coat and tie.  Some of my friends expressed amazement at this, having never seen me in such a costume.  Here is some free advice.  Television and print media tend to interview male demonstrators who are wearing coats and ties.  They assume such people must be important.  (And I was interviewed by Channel 13.)

Perhaps more importantly, if for some reason the cops arrive and start beating people over the head, they are much more likely to beat on guys who look like hippies than on guys in coats and ties.  I’m not kidding.

(Just in case you are clueless, the title of this posting is from a ZZ Top song.)

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