Today I will answer questions readers have submitted.
Dear Sajeonogi,
Which takes more energy--to maintain a constant temperature at home or to lower the heat at night and increase it in the morning?
Thermostat Guy
Dear Thermostat Guy,
According to the latest issue of Sierra magazine, it takes less energy to lower the heat at night and crank it up in the morning. Heat is constantly lost through windows and doors. By keeping the temperature warm inside, you are losing heat all night to the outside. According to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, you will get a two percent savings for each degree you lower the thermostat for eight hours at a time.
Dear Sajeonogi,
I had a sign “Ron Paul For President” in my front yard, and my municipality said I had to take it down by thirty days after the election. Can they do that?
Libertarian Nut Job
Dear Libertarian Nut Job,
No. According to my latest issue of the Pennsylvania ACLU newsletter, your sign is protected under the 1st Amendment. Recently the ACLU won a case against the Watsontown Borough in Northumberland County in which the borough tried to limit a homeowner’s right to put that very sign in his front yard.
Dear Sajeonogi,
Is it true that Senator Ted Cruz was born in Kenya?
Rick Perry.
Yes. I read it on the internet.
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