Friday, September 13, 2024

Friends flying to the rescue

Yesterday I got an email from a friend in the Bay Area whom I haven’t seen for at least 22 years.  She and I worked on local, state, and national campaigns, registered voters, and canvassed in San Jose, but we have not kept in touch.  Now she and her daughter are flying to Pennsylvania to help with the Harris campaign.  

She wondered where their skills could be used.  Is Carbon County the best place, or are there counties that are more critical?  I told her I wasn’t at the level in the campaign to answer that question, but I will check on Monday with the Harris organization.  Today everybody was too busy with the rally in Wilkes-Barre to give me an answer.

This level of mutual aid and enthusiasm has not happened since the first Obama campaign in 2008.  That year Linda and I hosted two people from New York for over a month.  You may remember that Obama won that election.  

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