Sunday, September 15, 2024

General Custer and Trump

My friend John from Santa Cruz recently sent me a note that I thought worth repeating.  Here’s what he wrote:

Why hasn’t anybody compared Trump with Custer?

George was a popular hero too, made famous by the media after a couple of charges in the Civil War.  He had a cult following continually fueled by the media; he was a narcissist he was demoted and sent out to pasture at least once; and he regularly ignored orders and advice, and he nurtured funny hair.

And finally, he ignored his “experts,” some of whom were Indians who had fought the 5,000 plus Sioux, Cheyenne and others in the camp Custer was eager to attack.

His Crow scouts told him,”don’t go down there.  There’s a whole shitload of Indians.”  Did he listen?  He went down there.  

Not a perfect parallel but amusing enough to mull.

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