Sunday, February 17, 2013

Banning plastic foam containers

New York Mayor Bloomberg has proposed a city-wide ban on plastic foam containers, i.e., styrofoam.  In Fairfax, California, a referendum sponsored by the Green Party banned styrofoam beverage containers within the town limits almost twenty years ago.  We had opposition, but a grass-roots campaign overcame won out.  It might help to explain things if you realize that in Fairfax the Green Party was the second largest party, ahead of the Republicans.

A short time later San Jose State food services also banned styrofoam containers.  I'm proud to say I was one of the leaders in both those efforts.

I'll be calling Mayor Bloomberg to offer my assistance when I get back there.

1 comment:

  1. Styrofoam is terrible for the environment. It's 2013, we should have figured out a better alternative by now.
