Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Sovereign Citizen Movement

One of my alert readers made me aware of a group called the “Sovereign Citizen Movement.  I looked them up on Wikipedia.  The FBI classifies them as anti-government extremists, and I’d have to agree with that.  This is a group of about 100,000 people who believe they are not subject to any federal, state, or municipal laws.  I won’t get into the arcane and twisted reasoning of the group; you can look it up yourself. 

Just think--there about a 100,000 people in this country who are living in a fantasy world.  Were they home schooled?  Are they continuously drunk?  Meth addicts?  Mentally challenged?  Unfortunately, probably quite a few of them own assault weapons.  

Does Canada have people like this?  Or Belgium?  Or Finland?  It seems as though the U.S. has a greater percentage of whackjobs than other countries do.  Where do we go wrong?

1 comment:

  1. This video will tell a lot about these people. It is the real thing, not from Hollywood. A word of warning it may make you ill.
