Saturday, May 30, 2015

Gov. Scott Walker and "cool ultrasounds"

The new strategy of abortion opponents is not to try to ban abortions, but to make abortions almost impossible to obtain.  Require waiting periods.  Put up roadblocks.  Shame the women.  

Wisconsin is in the forefront passing such laws.  One such law, signed by Governor Scott Walker, requires women who want an abortion to undergo an ultrasound which they must watch while the physician points out various features of the fetus.

There is absolutely no medical reason for this.  It is an attempt to convince the pregnant woman to forego the abortion.  

According to a column by Gail Collins in today’s New York Times, here is what Walker said on a radio program:

We defunded Planned Parenthood.  We signed a law that requires an ultrasound, which, the thing about that, the media tried to make that sound like that was a crazy idea.  Most people I talk to, whether they’re pro-life or not, I find people all the time who’ll get out their iPhone and show me a picture of their grandkids’ ultrasound and how excited they are, so that’s a lovely thing.  I think about my sons are 19 and 20 and we still have their first ultrasound pictures.  It’s just a cool thing out there.

What we have here is a man comparing a parent who wants a child showing off an ultrasound to a woman who has made the difficult choice, for whatever reason, to obtain an abortion.

This man would like to be our president.

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