Monday, June 6, 2016

College grad unemployment rate

Last week the New York Times ran an item on the unemployment rate for 25-to-34-year-olds who had graduated from a four-year college.  Readers were asked to guess the rate.  The article noted that the unemployment rate for people in that age range who had only a high school degree was 7.4%.

So what do you think the unemployment rate is for 25-to-34-year-olds who have graduated from a four year-college?  
  1. 2.4% B.  5.8% C.  7.6% D.  9.5%
I just realized that if I put the answer in tonight, you’ll glance down and cheat, so I’ll put it in tomorrow night.  Incidentally, I myself picked the wrong answer.

On another note entirely, on this anniversary of D-Day, I think many Americans look back on that day and think that victory was inevitable, that Germany was pretty much finished by June 1944. If you think that, you are wrong. D-Day was by no means a pre-ordained victory.  Dwight Eisenhower, the Allied commander, had written out two messages that day.  One was to announce that Allied forces had successfully landed in Normandy and were moving inland.  The second one spoke of the heroism of the armed forces and said that the defeat on the beaches was not their fault but his alone. That second one remained in his pocket.  


  1. Marie, mu wife always says every D-day is that is when her uncle Harold Hamm left for England. Certainly a day to remember in this family.

  2. Oh yea, my guess is 9.5 or even higher.

  3. Well, you are wrong, but you have lots of company.
