Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Just how dumb are N.R.A. members?

Almost everyone has heard of Aesop’s fable about “the boy who cried wolf.”  He was bored with sheep herding, so he yelled “wolf,” and all the villagers came running.  No wolf.  He did it again with the same results.  The third time, when there really was a wolf, the villagers ignored him, and the flock was eaten.

The villagers did learn a lesson.  The kid lied too many times.  He couldn’t be trusted.  Now let’s pivot to N.R.A. members.  Wayne LaPierre, head of the N.R.A., said that photographing and finger-printing gun owners was a “gun control scheme” of Barack Obama, who, he predicted, would confiscate every gun in America before the end of his first term.  

The N.R.A. said something similar about Kerry, and before him, Gore.  Now the N.R.A. says that Hillary Clinton’s real goal is “gun confiscation.”  

If the N.R.A. members were the villagers in the story, the boy could have kept crying wolf every day, and every day they would come pouring out of their homes to fight off the non-existent wolf.  Of course, by now, if any N.R.A. members are reading this, they are nodding their heads and saying, “Yes, but this time there might really be a wolf.  We better all run out again, and again, and again.  This time the evil wolf Hillary really might confiscate our guns.”

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