Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The "Great Migration"

I don’t want to insult my relatives in Alabama, but the state is not in the forefront of intellectual achievement, or many other achievements other than football.  One reason may be that in the past a large part of its population was not given the opportunity to participate in any meaningful way.  

In the “Great Migration” of blacks to the north, here are a few of the people whose forebears left Alabama and moved north:

Michelle Obama
Jesse Owens
Nat King Cole
Condoleeza Rice
Stevie Wonder
Smokey Robinson
LeBron James
Joe Lewis
Queen Latifah
Toni Morrison

I believe that one reason so many Middle Eastern countries are not producing scientists, political leaders, and economic advancement in general is because they ignore or tamp down half of their populations.  When societies or states or nations discriminate against large portions (or even small portions) of their populations, they pay a price.

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