Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Hamilton on the Electoral College

Trump supporters have become strong defenders the Electoral College.  Sure, Clinton won the popular election by two and a half million votes, but the Trumpians note that the Founding Fathers didn’t care about the popular vote.

If you want to know what the Founding Fathers, or at least Hamilton, thought about the Electoral College, read Federalist Paper #68.  Christopher Suprun, a Trump Elector from Texas, read #68 and decided that he had a responsibility to make sure the candidate for whom he cast his vote was qualified to be President.  He concluded that Trump was not, and he explained his decision in an op-ed essay in today’s Times.  It’s entitled “Why Electors Should Reject Trump.”

Thousands of people are sending letters to their electors urging them not to vote for Trump on the basis of Federalist Paper #68.  If a large number decided not to support Trump, I think we would have a Constitutional crisis.  On the other hand, we are about to officially elect a demagogue who doesn’t even understand the Bill of Rights, who for years propagated the fake news story that Obama was born in Kenya, and whose appointments like Michael Flynn are appalling.  We already have a Constitutional crisis.

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