Wednesday, December 21, 2016

U.S. life expectancy falls

Last year life expectancy in the U.S. slipped about a month.  The trend has been upward except for years when a major disease outbreak occurred.  For example, in 1993 it dipped during the AIDS epidemic.  In 1980 it dipped because of a major flu epidemic.  Last year, however, saw no major epidemic.

We weren’t doing all that well even before last year.  Quite a few countries, including Slovenia, Greece, Costa Rica, and Malta, do better than the U.S.

Maybe the upward trend will resume after Trump and Paul Ryan get rid of Obamacare.  

Do I have to explain I’m being sarcastic?  I suppose so, just in case any Trump voters are reading this.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm sure some of this has to do with the rising rate of obesity in our country. It is a major cause of diabetes and heart disease, especially when it begins in childhood. Michelle Obama was a champion for healthy eating and she was made fun of by the Republicans.

    I have a feeling the Trump presidency is going to be the death of many of us.
