Monday, December 26, 2016

Why Republican legislators love voter suppression

Because it works.  

In 2014 a Federal court said that over 300,000 registered voters in Wisconsin lacked the IDs that the Republican legislature required of voters.

Trump won Wisconsin by 27,000 votes.


  1. Maybe the democrats who were suppressed should register as republicans. That way they wouldn't be shut out from voting. After all republicans never suppress their voters. Oh, and they still can vote for Democrats.

  2. That is a great idea. If we all register Republican it will show that there are more R's than D's and they will not want to suppress the voter, since they will be fooled into believing that there are lots more D's than R's. How do we go about this without giving it away?

  3. That may be one of the best ideas I have heard, although it would be really hard for me to take that step.

  4. I have to admit that it would be hard to say I'm a registered (R). The other thing to consider would be not being able to vote in the primaries for democrats. But then again if you can't vote at all what difference would that be. At least you can still vote in the general elections and that is a secret ballot.
