Saturday, March 9, 2019

Crazy stuff

When Trump visited survivors of the Alabama tornados, people brought bibles for him to autograph.  Why?

Was it the only book they had in their houses?

Did they think they might later sell them on EBay?

Was it done on a bet to see if the Bibles would burst into flame?

Did they think Trump wrote the portion predicting Armageddon? 

Somebody said this was like Hannibal Lecter signing a cookbook.


  1. I've always been under the impression that only authors sign the books they write. I don't think he was around when it was written. Then again maybe in a past life of his he was. I have my doubts that he ever has been a student of the bible let alone read more than a page.

  2. I'm pretty sure he never read either the 10 Commandments or the Sermon on the Mount.
