Saturday, June 15, 2019

What an ugly state

We drove through Jacksonville, Orlando, and Tampa today, and I was not impressed.  These are some awful cities.  To think that people drive a thousand miles to expose their kids to the crap in Disney World is also mind-boggling.

Pity the Everglades, our reason for being in Florida.  Big Ag is diverting water necessary to the health of the Everglades.  Development is encroaching from Naples in the west and Miami in the East.  Pesticides and insecticides are harming the ecosystem.  Invasive species like the Burmese python have been introduced.  It is depressing.

I know that many people move here to escape the cold and snow.  Give me the cold and snow any day.


  1. Roy, I am jealous of you. Marie and I did about five trips to the Everglades from the late 1990's to early 2000's. We always made it a stop on our way to Key West.
    We usually got a room in Everglade's City. Its no city by any means, just a meat little town and couple good eating places. Have fun, watch the Alligators.

  2. We visited Everglades City early Sunday morning in a pouring rain. Great little town.
