Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Ordering seeds

 It is always fun to order vegetable seeds in January when the temperature is near zero and snow covers the garden and the raised beds.  Everything always looks so healthy and vibrant in the catalogs; no blight, no insects, no rabbit-chewed lettuce or aphid-chewed bean.

Gardeners like to compete–who has the first peas, who has the first radishes, whose tomatoes ripen first.  I have this neighbor on Station Street who invariably beats me every year in every category except maybe in okra, which I don’t think he grows.  So this year I am throwing in the towel.  I’m not competing.  I’m planting late.  I’m done.  The heck with it.

I’m talking to you, George.

1 comment:

  1. I guess after losing all these years, it's time to throw in the towel. I will be starting Cabbage and a few other things this weekend.
