Monday, March 11, 2024

A major difference between Biden and Trump supporters

Obviously I could name a whole bunch of differences, but one that is not often noted is the ability to criticize their candidates.  I hear Biden supporters often complain about Biden.  He’s too old.  He hasn’t taken the border crisis seriously enough.  He has been too easy on Netanyahu.  He wants to extend the warrantless surveillance program.  His Afghanistan pullout was a disaster.  We do it all the time.  We’ll still vote for him, but we recognize flaws, and we aren’t afraid to point them out.

Now tell me when is the last time you heard a Trump supporter say anything negative about Trump?  Do they criticize his tax cheating?  Or his gaffes?  Or his claim of immunity?  Or his lies about losing the election?  Or his Covid policy?  Or his sucking up to Putin?  I could go on, of course, but you understand.  They will not criticize anything.  There is something sick about that.   


  1. I shouldn't be, but I am endlessly baffled by the messianic aura Trump's supporters bestow upon their guy.
