Thursday, April 4, 2024

Frank Bruni on Biden v. Trump

You have probably noticed that Trump seems to have more vigor than Biden.  He can hold a crowd, hawk bibles and sneakers, and seems to have more pep.  Columnist Frank Bruni had a few words about this a few days ago.  I will quote the whole paragraph:

Really, how many people say to themselves:  Heck, Biden may be the guy with a proper respect for democracy, won’t blow air kisses at murderous tyrants and doesn’t sound like a fascist, but that Trump sure can shout louder, talk faster and clomp around more thuddingly!  He’ll bring the vim to trashing democracy that Biden can’t muster for preserving it.  I guess I’ll go with Trump! 


  1. Yes, Trump is much better at Biden at herding stupid people. His populism succeeds because he's one of them.

  2. If only they knew how he holds them in contempt.
