Saturday, September 7, 2024

Is J. D. Vance dumber than Trump?

Today Vance was asked to comment on the latest school shooting.  He replied that some states had strict gun laws and some had lax gun laws, but school shootings occurred in both types of states.  He said there were psychos in every state.  What we needed was to strengthen the security of schools, making it harder for gunmen to act.

First of all, no state can outlaw assault rifles.  The Supreme Court, the NRA, and Republican legislators have seen to that.  Secondly, how would you make a school impregnable to gun violence?  In Georgia it was a student who killed fellow students.  What about the playground, the football field, the field trip?  Who would pay for the cops in every classroom?  I could go on, but this is just stupid.  Unbelievably stupid.  Trump-level stupid.  Maybe worse.

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