Friday, September 6, 2024

The Hoover Commission and the Musk Commission

In 1947 Harry Truman appointed former President Herbert Hoover to head a commission to recommend administrative changes in the Federal government.  Truman felt the government had expanded rapidly during the Depression and World War II, and there might be ways to consolidate or reorganize some departments and agencies.  Hoover, who may have failed as a President, had previously won acclaim for his European relief work after the First World War.  A number of the Commission’s recommendations were later adopted.

Now Trump said if he is elected he will appoint Elon Musk to head up a commission on Federal efficiency.  This is the same Elon Musk who is blowing up rockets, wrecked Twitter, came up with a self-driving car that crashes, developed the ugliest truck ever seen, and had technical trouble broadcasting an interview with Trump in which both participants made notably stupid statements.  I probably should mention that Musk is incredibly rich, since he doesn’t need to pay his fair share of taxes.

That should be some commission.  Thank goodness Trump won’t be elected.


  1. Don't discount Elon Musk. Only his prototype rockets blow up. His production rockets have a really good track record. Those two astronauts who came in a Boeing capsule are going back on SpaceX.
    He's horrible with people. It's said he has Asperger's.
    He's our worst nightmare, a competent a******!

  2. I'm still not convinced of his competence, or maybe it's his common sense.
