Friday, September 20, 2024

Teaching a pig to dance

I know the rules.  I wrote the instructions for our volunteers at the Democratic booth at the County Fair.  Don’t argue with Trumpists.  Don’t try to convince them.  Just smile and say nothing until they get frustrated and walk away.  Arguing with Trumpists is like trying to teach a pig to dance.  It annoys the pig and wastes your time.

So, when we were registering voters in Lehighton and this guy comes in and I ask him if he is registered and he says, “Yes, Republican,” and then goes into a screed about how terrible Harris is and how she will wreck the country and how she lost the debate, I say nothing.  

But then when he starts in about gays, and how Harris will support them, and how they will go to hell because it says so in the Bible, I snap.  I tell him he is ridiculous and make a few other remarks.  He leaves after explaining that I will also end up in hell.  

Then a minute later he comes back.  I did some deep breathing and was calm.  He then told me he was a Christian, and he would pray for me.  Now I followed the instructions.  I just smiled and said nothing.   

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