Monday, February 17, 2025

How did we ever get this stupid?

I saw a meme today that said something like,”If you never had diphtheria, polio, smallpox, whooping cough, or measles, thank a vaccine.”  I’ve had measles, mumps, and chicken pox because when I was a kid, we didn’t have those vaccines.  We didn’t even have a vaccine for polio.

I was better off than my grandmother.  Three of her siblings died in the same week from diphtheria.  

Now I learn that the Louisiana Health Department says it will end media campaigns or health fairs to promote vaccines against preventable diseases.  Doctors should discuss the “risks” of vaccines with their patients.  The Department will “no longer promote mass vaccination.”

Louisiana is experiencing a surge in flu this winter.  It has a lower life expectancy than most states.  This is positively Darwinian.

Some of the info for this post is from Tim Balk,”Louisiana Health Dept. Says Vaccination Pushes Will End,” New York Times, (Feb. 15, 2025), p. A19


  1. Between the anti-vax push, RFK's impending war on medication, and the push to eliminate Medicaid, I'm convinced they are actively trying to kill Americans, and they are starting with the poor and the sick.

    Rounding people up on the streets and simply shooting them is a step too far, even for this administration, but the powers that be think there's an overpopulation problem, and they're not wrong. So they'll thin the herd.

    Between the immigration purges and letting us die from lack of healthcare, their master plan is starting to take shape.

    And while I realize I may sound unhinged and eager to spread conspiracy theories, I'm neither, and with everything going on, can anyone say with 100% certainty I'm wrong?

  2. I'll just say that I hope you are wrong.
