Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Weather of the Future

I’m about two-thirds of the way through Heidi Cullen’s book on climate change--The Weather of the Future, subtitled “Heat Waves, Extreme Storms, and Other Scenes from a Climate-Changed Planet.”   Ms. Cullen was at one time a commentator on the Weather Channel, but I think she was removed because she kept talking about climate change resulting from human activities.  
In The Weather of the Future (HarperCollins, c. 2010), Ms. Cullen discusses coral bleaching, permafrost melting, the Sacramento Delta, the Sahel in Africa, and Greenland.  I know most of the readers of this blog are busy people; I’ll review the book for you so you don’t have to read it.  In fact, I can sum it up in two words--we’re screwed.  If this weren’t a family-oriented blog, I’d use the “F word” instead of screwed. 
Meanwhile, five Republican candidates blather on in South Carolina.

1 comment:

  1. I have felt that way for a long time. I know we are all guilty. However people need to do all they can to help our planet. Think (light bulbs). One can not deny that the climate is definitely changing. As long as we have politicians in denial, many people will accept their logic. They only care what is expedient for themselves.
