Monday, April 30, 2012

Inoculation ads

An inoculation ad is one in which a candidate admits something terrible before the other side can bring it up.  Let’s say you are running for Congress, but you received a DUI when you were in your twenties.  You run an ad in which you look at the camera and say something like--”I know I’ve done some bad things in the past.  When I was 25 I received a DUI.  I lost my license for six months, but more importantly, I learned a lesson about personal responsibility.  Drinking and driving don’t mix--ever.”
You get the idea.  If your opponent brings up the DUI, the viewer will say, “Yeah, we know about that,” and discount the ad.  In 2012 we need inoculation ads against the Superpacs.  
Every Democratic candidate for Congress should run an ad something like this:
The Supreme Court, dominated by Republican partisans, ruled in a decision known as “Citizens United,” that independent committees could run mud-slinging campaigns with no restraints.  These committees, given innocuous names like American Crossroads, are allowed to raise unlimited funds, pay no taxes, and smear candidates.  These ads are paid for by wealthy individuals and corporations.  The ads do not address issues.  They attack. You will see hundreds of them over the next few weeks.  Keep in mind where they come from.  Don’t let our democratic form of government fall under the unholy alliance of big money and immoral campaign consultants.  Think before you vote.
Ok, it also needs work.  Nevertheless, a message like that needs to get out.  It will help viewers recognize and dismiss the Superpac ads.  If we don’t fight back, our candidates are going to get swamped.

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