Wednesday, August 22, 2012

People not voting

I am not writing about the Photo I.D. law three nights in a row, but....

Every Saturday Charles Blow writes an article in the New York Times involving statistical analysis.  The column last Saturday was about the Republican effort to cheat on the election by adopting legislation that discriminated against Democratic voters.  I understand this effort is actually endorsed in the Republican National Platform.  

Mr. Blow pointed out that in national polls, Romney and Obama are just about tied.  Among non-voters, on the other hand, Obama leads Romney by about 2 to 1.  There are 90 million non-voters.  Blow notes that if just half of these non-voters would vote, Obama would win in a landslide. 

Some of those non-voters may be discouraged by the new laws.  Many others, though, are simply too apathetic to vote.  That’s why the race is tight.

1 comment:

  1. Those non-voters will be the first to whine and complain when their Medicare is taken away, or they try to get insurance and are denied for a pre-existing condition, or they're raped and try to get the morning-after pill, or they want to send their child to college and are denied a Pell Grant.
