Saturday, October 27, 2012

No Soliciting

Today we were canvassing on Lehigh Avenue in Palmerton when we came to a house on our list that had a “No Soliciting” sign on the door.  Sandra pointed it out, but I told her that political activity wasn’t considered soliciting--we weren’t asking for money.

The man who answered the door evidently had not gotten the word.  He immediately began yelling,”Can’t you read?  No soliciting.”  I mean, he was really mad.  

I made the mistake of saying, “We’re not soliciting--this is a political call.”  That made him even more angry.  He started screaming about calling the cops. 

I have two thoughts about this:  First, under Pennsylvania’s “Castle Doctrine,” supported by Representative Heffley, I think the guy could have shot me and then say he felt threatened.  I believe he would have not been charged.

Secondly, I wish I had had the presence of mind to say, “And don’t forget to vote for Romney.”  Darn.

1 comment:

  1. I know your feeling about this issue. I have only come across one similar situation. But at least the guy was descent about it. He just pointed to the sign and said please leave me alone. I just said thank you for your time and walked away. I really wanted to say to him that I hoped he would enjoy his voucher for his Medicare. He was only 50. Most of the people I have come across have been very descent about my canvassing.

    Starting Monday we will start our final push for Democratic victories. However I am most concerned about the Presidents chances for re-election. There is just too much racism in this country. I doubt if it will change in our children's lifetimes.
