Sunday, December 2, 2012

Government jobs

This blog is way too partisan, but I can’t help myself.  How can I be middle-of-the-road when one side says stupid things.  Here’s an example.  “Government can’t create jobs, only private industry creates jobs.”  You probably heard Republican candidates repeat that canard during the last election.


One of the reasons we are taking so long to come out of this deep recession is because local, state, and national governments have laid off so many government workers.  Whether you get your paycheck from a private company or a government agency, you have a job.  And yes, government does create many of those jobs.

Epidemiologists, park rangers, sailors, soldiers, teachers, police officers, TSA personnel, game wardens, FBI agents, firefighters, members of Congress (like Paul Ryan), state store clerks, astronauts, lock tenders on the Intracoastal waterway, air traffic controllers--you get the idea.  

Government jobs are crucial in education, environmental protection, defense, public health, and public safety.  Private enterprise doesn’t fill the need.  To say that government does not create jobs betrays a myopia that is astounding.


  1. Great article, Dr. Christman! I really enjoyed it. But, don't forget the benefits of gov't funded research. Gov't funded research has created a ton of jobs for the private sector. Look at the investments gov't has made: the Internet, GPS, the miniaturization of electronics, fracking (for better or worse), everything to come out of NASA (MRI's), etc.

    All of these were turned over to the private sector and expanded the economy!!

    1. Excellent point. I kind of forgot that. Thanks.
