Thursday, December 12, 2013

Republicans win

There’s been a good deal of focus on the divisions in the Republican ranks over the budget deal.  Paul Ryan is receiving kudos for bucking the Tea Party wing of his party, and, of course, Mario Rubio and Ted Cruz are decrying the “compromise.”

Nonetheless, the Republican philosophy reigns supreme.  While the Democrats will be able to cancel some of the sequester cuts and add #31.5 billion to transportation and education, there are no increases in taxes on the wealthiest Americans.  Federal workers will have to pay more for their pension plans.  Money is not provided for cities and states to undertake infrastructure repair.  Airline ticket prices will rise. 

Worst of all, there will be no extension of jobless benefits that expire on January 1.  That effects approximately 1,300,000 Americans.  

Happy New Year.

1 comment:

  1. They will continue to win as long as non voters continue their lazy ways. I just don't want to hear them complain when they get screwed again and again.
