Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Paycheck Protection Bill. Say What?

Tonight the Palmerton Area Democratic Club heard from Mike Morrill of Keystone Progress.  He told us about HB 1507, an ALEC and Koch Brothers inspired bill that has been introduced into the Pennsylvania House.  Republicans know they will most likely lose the Governor’s race this November, so they are going all out to privatize the Wine and Spirits stores, gut the endangered species act, and most importantly, break unions.

HB 1507, called the Paycheck Protection Bill, would eliminate automatic union dues.  This is also known as “Right to Work for Less” legislation, and it is simply a way to weaken and ultimately eliminate unions.  Mr. Morrill says that over a million dollars is being dumped into the campaign, and every Republican voter in Pennsylvania will be receiving mailers touting the legislation.

Since only about 16% of Pennsylvania workers are union members, the legislation has a very good chance to succeed.  The results:  The WalMartization of the workforce, further hollowing out of the middle class, and Republican legislative dominance far into the future.  I would like to say I’m optimistic that HB 1507 can be defeated, but I’m not.  

Nonetheless, we must not give up.


  1. Withe Reps' holding the majority in all 3 chambers its an up hill battle. Guys like Heffley doing what Governor Corbett wants makes for a tough row to hoe.

  2. Fortunately for Pennsylvania, I don't think Heffley will be around next year.
