Friday, May 9, 2014

Doyle Heffley: Wasting our money

Item #1:  The former tax collector in Mahoning Township, perhaps for medical reasons, was derelict in his duties.  Taxes went uncollected and revenue was not reported.  Now Rep. Heffley has introduced a bill that a deputy tax collector must be appointed in every one of the thousands of municipalities across the state to address a problem faced by one municipality.  

Item #2:  Rep. Heffley voted for and has many times defended Pennsylvania’s Voter I.D. bill.  Yesterday the Governor announced he will not appeal the court ruling that struck down the law.  This after spending $5 million in federal funds to educate voters about the policy, another $1 million in state funds, and close to a million in legal fees, all for a bill that addressed in-person voter fraud, a non-existent problem.

I really don’t enjoy being so critical of Rep. Heffley.  I just wish he’d quit wasting our money.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. He is only doing what republicans do best. We are now getting our ninth Benghazi investigation. Don't get me wrong, losing four American lives in Benghazi is bad. But what about the 4,486 dead, the 32,223 wounded in action and the 245 dead American contractors in Iraq. I'm still waiting for the republican outrage on the lies that Bush, Cheney, Powell and Rice used to get the United States involved in a war that should never have happened in the first plave. WMD my ass. They will never be found because they never did exist.

    How many millions were lost and we still can't get a jobs bill. The republican house leader, the crying tan man, has said it's about jobs,jobs jobs. So more money goes down the toilet once more and the people continue to suffer.
