Saturday, May 17, 2014

Voter Fraud

When I moved from California to Pennsylvania in 2002, it never occurred to me to notify the Registrar of Voters in Marin County that I was no longer a California resident.  That wasn’t even on my “to-do” list.

According to a column by Donald Barnhouse published in the Times News on May 15, I’m committing voter fraud.  In a column entitled “Widespread Voter Fraud,” Barnhouise notes that almost three million voters are registered as active voters in more than one state.  How the heck does that constitute voter fraud?  Do those three million people vote in more than one state?  Do 25 of them vote in more than one state?

He also points out that 2 million dead people are registered to vote and cites this as evidence as voter fraud.  Are those dead people voting?  I know that in Carbon County our Registrar does check the obits every day, but probably most Registrars don’t.  In any case, unless Barnhouse can point to current examples of dead voters casting ballots, there is no fraud.

This is the kind of misleading crap Republicans are using to suppress the vote.  They are either dishonest or stupid.  I’m pretty sure it’s dishonest.

1 comment:

  1. They do those things because they can't win elections fair and square. Any thing they can do to supress the vote they will do. They are desperate.
