Sunday, July 26, 2015

Light Show

Just to make this political, I will tell you what I like about Donald Trump.  When Scott Walker was doing his big announcement, nobody paid any attention because Trump was dominating the news.  Anything that hurts Scott Walker, aka “the little weasel,” is a good thing.

But enough about unimportant stuff. At 10 p.m. Linda and I sat on the front porch to watch the lightning and hear the thunder.  She drank pinot grigio; I had Amstel light.  What a show–better than any fireworks.

Now the rain is blowing across the whole porch, and the Weather Channel is talking about local flooding.  I’m amazed that I still have any electricity to post this.  I probably should hurry.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful light show it was last night, although I didn't sit on the front porch and drink any good wine as I had to get to bed early for a 6:40 am appointment to have a cataract in my right eye removed. Today I can say that all went well. Now for a few days of recuperation.
