Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Buying eggs

You are expecting a post on the State of the Union, and instead I’m writing about my chickens.  Maybe tomorrow night I’ll say something about the state of the union, but President Obama is in the middle of his speech right now.  (So far, so good.)

Here’s the deal on eggs.  At one time we had 26 chickens, but between the hawks and death from old age, we are down to 15.  One of those is a rooster, so 14 hens.  One is so old it is lame and probably should be put down, but it’s tough to do, for me anyway.  Now factor in the cold weather, the very short days, and the fact that I’m not using artificial light, and we are down to one or two eggs a day, and three times this past week, none.

So today Linda went out to Haydt’s Meat Market and bought a dozen eggs.  

We received a catalog in the mail today from a hatchery.  I’ll look at it tomorrow.

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