Friday, January 15, 2016

Ted Cruz on the bottom

If I were forced to choose among the current crop of Republican Presidential candidates....  That’s a sentence I have a hard time completing, but I can tell you the one I would rank at the very bottom.  No, not Carson, although I think he is an idiot.  Not Fiorina, although she is a liar.  Not Christie the blowhard.  Not even Trump.

It would be Ted Cruz.  The man has no redeeming qualities.  Even Huckabee and Santorum have talked about the people on the bottom of the economic scale.  But, as David Brooks pointed out in a recent column, Ted Cruz is simply mean.  As a Texas official, he tried to keep a man in prison after the courts ruled the man had been wrongly sentenced.  Brooks can’t figure why so-called Christian evangelicals would support a man so obviously the antithesis of a Christian.

He also loves the rich.  In his Senate race he neglected to report a low interest loan from Goldman Sachs of hundreds of thousands, after telling a reporter he used all he and his wife had saved.  His wife, incidentally, works for Goldman Sachs.

You can see his meanness in his support for bombing civilians in the Middle East.  You could see it in his criticizing Trump, not for his policies, but for being from New York.  You can see it in his vicious attacks on the President.  

Cruz’s father suggested that Obama should be sent back to Kenya.  It is time to send Mr. Cruz back to Canada. 

I once saw a bumper sticker that said “Mean People Suck.”  Amen to that.


  1. I don't think Canada wants him! I guess we are stuck with him. Maybe Putin might take him.

  2. Maybe we could deport him and then force Canada to pay for a high wall. Or did Trump already suggest that?
