Friday, May 27, 2016

Trump, Clinton, and false equivalence

Again and again I hear how neither Trump nor Clinton is “liked.”  Both have high negatives.  People threaten to stay home on election day or vote for “none of the above.”

Let’s get serious, folks.  I don’t care if you really dislike Clinton, if you don’t want to have a beer with her, if you think she is cold, arrogant, aloof, or a friend of Wall Street.  I don’t care if you think she messed up in Libya or should have been more careful with her emails.

There is only one candidate who thinks women who have abortions should be punished.  Only one candidate who thinks global warming is a Chinese plot to hurt American industry.  Only one candidate who says he will make Mexico pay for a wall.  Only one candidate who talks about deporting millions of people.  Only one who wants to bring back torture.  Only one who won’t release his tax returns.  Only one who conducts business by bankruptcies.  Only one who supports “more drilling and few rules.”  Only one who suggests that one way to balance the budget is to renege on U.S. debts.

Let’s get serious.  We are not talking about having a beer with Trump or Clinton.  We are talking about electing the President of the United States.  Grow up.  Be an American voter with American values and American common sense.  Don’t pretend for one second that these two candidates are in any way equal.


  1. Roy,
    I had friends of mine demoted in the military for doing far less with classified information than what she did. If it was an enlisted person that had done that, they would be residing in Leavenworth.

    She should do everyone a favor and drop out rather than getting beaten by Trump in the fall.

  2. He who is without sin shall cast the first stone.
