Friday, January 13, 2017

Anger management

Regular readers of this blog may have noticed that I don’t write much about Mr. Trump.  Page after page of the Times is devoted to his latest tweets, hearings on his appointees, and his business issues, and I’ve been writing about farmland preservation or movies or phone usage.

Tonight let me tell you just how tired I am of hearing about angry Trump voters.  My candidate did not have any help from Russian hackers skewing the election her way.  My candidate released her tax returns.  My candidate saw an FBI director telling Congress eleven days before the election that the FBI was investigating her emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop, then announcing it had found nothing after people had already started voting.  My candidate’s party did not resort to voter suppression in a number of key states.  My candidate received 2.8 million more votes than her opponent.

66 million people voted for Clinton.  Those 66 million are righteously angry.  I am just tired of Trump supporters telling me to get over it, to unite behind the “birther” guy who pretty much invented fake news.  I am tired of Trump supporters telling me to put partisanship behind and unite the country when Mr. Trump himself continues to attack and belittle his critics.

I’m tired and I’m angry.  Before the election I thought this man would be bad for my country, and now that he is soon to be in office, I am more sure of it than ever.  You are so right if you call me a sore loser.  Don’t forget angry.


  1. He is a man of little if any morals and he sure doesn't have any family values. I have to wonder if the people who voted for him aren't in the same boat with him. Trump should get the same chance that Obama got from the righteous right. Nothing!

  2. I have readers who are conservative who read my posts, and I need to speak to them as well. I really don't think Mr. Trump is a conservative. I have left instructions that a reading from Edmund Burke be included at my funeral service. I have great respect for conservatives, and I am aware that conservative and conservation come from the same root. I do not regard Mr. Trump as a true conservative, and I think true conservatives are appalled at his actions and his tweets and his behavior.

  3. A cousin on the Smith side keeps telling me to "give him a chance." I asked him to define that.

    How do you give a chance to a pussy-grabbing, racist, misogynist that choses the most unqualified, fear-inducing people to key cabinet positions? How do you give a chance to someone who lies and lies and lies? How do you give a chance to a guy who is more interested in how Alec Baldwin portrays him on Saturday Night Live than the consequences of global warming? Or a person that defies every norm for President-elect and never seems to have to pay the price for the most outrageous and disgusting behavior?

    Sorry, I can't do it. He doesn't deserve a chance.
