Monday, September 4, 2017

Celebrate Labor Day

Quite a number of blue collar workers voted for Trump.  Here’s is some of what they got.

In June the Trump administration reversed the governments’s position on class action lawsuits by workers.  Under Obama administration rules, workers had the right to bring such suits.  Now the federal government argues that employers can force workers to forfeit those rights.

The Trump administration has proposed a 40% cut for the agency that conducts research into workplace hazards.

The Trump administration has sought to eliminate a $10.5 million program (and that is chicken feed) to help unions and nonprofit organizations to educate workers on how to avoid injury and illness.

The Trump administration is opposing increases in the minimum wage.  

The Trump administration is proposing to eliminate health care insurance for millions of American workers.

Trump loves people he calls “entrepreneurs.”  He has no respect for people we call “workers.”

I’ll say this.  If you are a worker and you voted Republican, you should never complain that you are getting a raw deal.  If you bought into Republican rhetoric, you deserve what you get.


  1. The things you cite are only the beginning of a downward spiral for the workers of this country. The American oligarchs won't be happy until there aren't any unions.

    Anyone who thinks that they are safe is sadly mistaken. Not just about work place safety, health insurance will suffer, your vacation time will be very limited and forget about a 40 hour work week. I could go on but it would fall on deaf ears.

  2. Unfortunately, I don't think many people get it.
