Sunday, March 25, 2018

Signs at the demonstrations

Yesterday’s demonstrations were truly amazing.  The kids are taking on the N.R.A., shill for gun manufacturers. The N.R.A. isn’t about the 2nd Amendment, it is about sales and making money.

I loved the sign “What part of well regulated don’t you understand?”  Here were four others:

“The only thing easier to buy than a gun is a GOP candidate.”

“Talk to me about the sanctity of the second amendment when it is your kid bleeding out on the floor of his first grade classroom.”

“I can’t even bring peanut butter to school.”

and the best one:

“When I said I’d rather die than go to math class?  That was hyperbole, asshole.”

1 comment:

  1. I'm very proud of the kids for doing what so many other people have failed to do. I think the future bodes well for this country with the younger generation. They also were taking time to register people to vote.

    If you are a second amendment politician, you should rethink your position on it. Unless you don't care about getting reelected.
