Wednesday, July 25, 2018

$12 Billion for Agriculture

Some thoughts and questions:

How much will go to corporate farms and how much to family farms?

Was any of this considered before the tariffs were imposed?

Do all people hurt by the tariffs, like auto workers, get a similar handout?

Does this aid go mostly to red state ag?

Does Congress need to approve this appropriation?

Won’t this increase an already blooming deficit?

May we call this welfare?

Do the recipients need to show they are looking for work?


  1. 1. Most of it.
    2. No
    3. No
    4. Yes
    5. No
    6. Yes
    7. No
    8. No (Unless you are a black farmer, Then the answer is YES!)

  2. You get an A. Extra credit for the last answer.
