Thursday, July 5, 2018

Trump and Stein voters

You must have wondered why many Trump voters, in the face of eroding American values, racist tweets, tariff wars, the fomenting of hatreds against immigrants, cabinet official scandals, and constant lying by the President, still refuse to say, “I messed up.  I made a bad choice.”
You may have also wondered why Jill Stein voters, in the face of eroding American values, racist tweets, tariff wars, the fomenting of hatreds against immigrants, cabinet official scandals, and constant lying by the President, still refuse to say, “I messed up.  I made a bad choice.”

It’s called “cognitive dissonance.”  It is very difficult for anyone to admit, “I screwed up.”  

The Trump voters will say things like “We needed to shake up the establishment.  The economy is doing well.  Clinton might have been worse.”

The Stein  voters will say things like “The Democrats are to blame.  They should have nominated Bernie.  Clinton was a terrible candidate.  I voted my principles.”

Do you know what the major difference is between those Trump voters and those Stein voters?

Neither do I.

I hope you had a happy Fourth.  I hope you waved flags, set off fireworks, had a picnic, and watched what once was the most respected nation of earth continue its rapid decline into decay and chaos.  

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