Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Why I dislike our president

Letters to the Morning Call from Trump supporters often express frustration with Trump’s opponents.  They don’t understand why we are so angry.  In the interest of promoting understanding between the pro and anti-Trump groups, here are ten reasons I dislike Trump:

The greed:  He and his family members have used the White House for their own monetary gain.  Trump and his family continue to do business with foreign investors eager to capitalize on their connections.  Why won’t Trump release his income tax returns like every other president has done?

The hatred:  We are not born hating people.  That is learned behavior.  We now have a president who has incited hatred against various people and groups as a deliberate political strategy.

The children:  Forcibly separating children from their parents and then failing to keep records of where they were sent is almost beyond belief.

The courts:  Presidents have always appointed judges who reflect their thinking, but this president is deliberately making appointments based solely on ideology without regard to qualifications.  Republican congress members are complicit in this.

The lies:  His lies number in the thousands.

The press:  The president called the press an “enemy of the people.”  His constant use of the term “fake news” denigrates a major institution protecting our democracy.

The phony patriotism:  Here is a man who avoided Vietnam because of “bone spurs” but felt free to insult John McCain for his war record.

The tax giveaway:  Over 90% of the benefits go to the top 10% of the population.  In the meantime, the deficit is touted as a reason to cut Social Security and Medicare.  Republican congress members are complicit in this.

The foreign policy:  Tariff wars, insults to friendly nations, sucking up to dictators, and the never-ending war in Afghanistan make our foreign policy a disaster.

The environment:  Protections against pollution–weakened or destroyed.  National parks–reduced and underfunded.  Worst of all, instead of fighting global climate change, policies are deliberately enacted to increase warming.  The first nine on this list are bad, but this one is already helping to make our entire planet uninhabitable.  

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